9 Steps to an Environment Friendly Lifestyle

9 Steps to an Environment Friendly Lifestyle

As citizens, many of us have a genuine concern for the environment. But what can we do to contribute towards the conservation of wildlife and its habitats, and a healthier, pollution-free environment? This is a question that many of us ponder over. Here are a few steps you can take to lead a life that is environment-friendly.

  1. Become aware and spread awareness about conservation: Learn all you can about endangered animals and the threats they face. Share your knowledge and concern with others.
  2. Go on a nature trail: Visit a forest with your family or friends. Observe wildlife to understand how it enriches human lives. We only conserve what we love and value.
  3. Spread the good word: Write articles about wildlife conservation for your school/college magazines or in newspapers and online portals.
  4. Use less: Save water, paper and electricity. It helps save forests.
  5. Reduce your carbon footprint: Do this by making daily lifestyle changes. Use public transport as far as possible. Walk. Cycle. Car pool.
  6. Be a friend of urban trees: They provide precious shade and mitigate the urban heat island effect. Plant and protect trees in your city. Participate in tree appreciation walks.
  7. Form a community: Start a nature club in your college, school or colony.
  8. Write letters: Write to the PM, CM and newspaper editors. Voice your concern about climate change, deforestation, the health of rivers, and pollution.
  9. Give up single-use plastics: Support the government in implementing the ban on single-use plastic. Don’t ask for plastic bags at grocery stores.

Making even a few of these habits and activities a part of your life, you will inspire others from your social circles, and lead a more purposeful life. So what are you waiting for?


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