Wildlife Week – We Are All In This Together

We Are All In This Together

Tigers and deer, forests and rivers, water and people: We’re all in it together!

Conserving forests for charismatic umbrella species like big cats helps preserve the riches of fully-functioning ecosystems, on which, like all terrestrial species, humans also depend. Degradation and fragmentation of forests, on the other hand, leads to dismantling of ecosystems, and threatens the survival of all life forms, from which, humans are not separate.

As Wildlife Week comes to a close, let’s continue our pledge to conserve India’s big cats in their natural habitats. For in doing so, we will have conserved all the wonderful life forms that call these forests, scrublands, grasslands and mangrove swamps home.

We Are All In This Together Wildlife-Week-Wildlife-Conservation-Trust Wildlife-Week-Wildlife-Conservation-Trust Wildlife-Week-Wildlife-Conservation-Trust

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