WCT is partnering with USAID to further its tiger conservation objectives. The WCT-USAID project is focussing on the CIL that includes the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chattisgarh.

The scope of work includes:

  • Training of mid-level and senior-level park management in patrolling strategies and crime control.
  • Monitoring of tiger corridors using remote sensing.
  • Monitoring tiger populations along vital corridors using Camera Trapping.
  • Multi-stakeholder Consultations in the CIL, Sundarbans (Indo-Bangladesh) and Terai region (Indo-Nepal).
  • Development and distribution of training material for frontline forest staff.
  • Tiger Genetics to reassess connectivity among populations in the CIL .
  • Conducting radio telemetry of dispersing tigers and those involved in conflict with humans.
  • Equipping Anti Poaching Camps in various Protected Areas.
  • Building capacity among field staff to tackle conflict situations and rescue animals: A fully-equipped and staffed WCT Rapid Response Unit will be moving through the CIL training forest officials in wildlife rescue and conflict mitigation.

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