The #TrappedInTrade campaign is focused on the serious issue of growing demand for exotic animals in India and the urgent need for stronger wildlife laws for better regulation of trade in exotic species in the country.

Lack of awareness and ignorance are among the critical drivers of illegal trade in wild animals all over the world. In India, the growing fetish to keep, breed, and sell exotic wild animals as pets and for entertainment has been fuelling the demand for multifarious exotic species in recent years. This is feeding into the larger illegal wildlife trade and contributing to the dangerous decline in wildlife populations all over the world. Not to mention the gut-wrenching cruelty meted out to the animals in the process.
Earlier, virtually no legal mechanisms existed for the regulation of exotic species in India except for the Customs Act, 1962. Even the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, did not extend protection to exotic species. This was despite India being a signatory to the international treaty called CITES which is an agreement between 184 countries to not let international trade in plants and animals “threaten the survival of the species”, and to implement laws in favour of this.
Fortunately, some of the recent amendments to the Act include implementing CITES provisions to regulate the trade in exotic species within India. These came into effect in April 2023. While trade in protected native species has always been illegal under the Act, now trade in CITES-listed exotic species will also see enforced regulation and crackdown by wildlife authorities.
Through WCT’s #TrappedInCampaign, our aim is to create awareness about India’s exotic pet trade crisis,and attached laws, and also start a mainstream conversation on the issue.
Support our campaign by saying no to buying, breeding, and selling wild animals as pets!
Links to the Act and CITES knowledge resources:
#TrappedInTrade Blog Series
Trapped In Trade – Experts’ Roundtable

Important Links
- What is CITES?
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Mongabay India
- TRAFFIC – The Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network
- Trapped In Trade
- Roofed turtles, iguanas, ball pythons as pets is bringing Indians false sense of glamour
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