The Maharashtra Village Social Transformation Foundation (VSTF) was set up by the Government of Maharashtra, with support from corporates, with an aim to create a public-private partnership that aids holistic development in rural Maharashtra.
The objective is to integrate multiple developmental goals — including skill training, education, water security and environment protection in over 1,000 villages in a way that is scalable, sustainable and self-enforcing.

Women carrying firewood collected from nearby forest (above left). Foxlight-cum-camera trap contraption installed near an agricultural field to study and mitigate crop depredation by wild herbivores. A WCT study (below) shows that energy consumption increases with increasing incomes.

Villagers roast the day’s catch for their evening meal (above left). WCT team carries out a field survey. (above right).
WCT has partnered with VSTF to provide technical inputs to 49 villages in the Bramhapuri Division of the Chandrapur District of Maharashtra that are critical from the perspective of forest and wildlife conservation. As part of this association, WCT works closely with the Maharashtra Forest Department, the Chandrapur Collector’s office, Rural Development Fellows and local communities to:
- Build capacity of the local communities to co-manage the forests around their villages in association with the forest department
- Develop technological solutions for dissemination of vital information about wild animals to avert human-wildlife interaction proactively
- Estimate population of carnivores and closely monitor the impact of interventions on them
- Building capacity in local villagers to improve their employability
- Create baselines of economic and psychosocial parameters to monitor impacts of interventions

Header image © Prathamesh Shirsat
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Related Links
- Conservation Behavior
- Livelihood
- Conservation Strategy
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